This company was founded in Florence in 1964 and boasts a noble tradition and experience in the craftsmanship of artistic leather. From the first moment it is characterized by some artistic products such as book covers, jewelry boxes, wall panels, chair covers and desk sets.
Even today, as from the first moments, the same manufacturing procedure is used that has characterized Florentine leather products since the Renaissance which involves the use of vegetable tanned solid leather that is cut and immersed in water, mounted on wooden forms and dried to give it its shape. An elaborate finishing process then provides that the object is colored with aniline and alcohol, polished with wax, decorated and finished.
Each item is created entirely by hand by the craftsman due to the numerous processes used and therefore is unique in shape, color and finishes.
Via dell'Ariento 35R - 50123 Firenze, Tel. (0039) 055 3992613 - P.IVA 06014470485